Six myths in the way of a great employee experience
Delivering the best employee experience has never been more critical. But conversations get stuck. And talk fails to translate into action. It’s time to debunk the misconceptions that get in the way.
Download the 6 myths and read more below
Six myths in the way of a great EX
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Or, find out more about the six myths below.
Myth 1: It’s engagement in disguise
The belief behind the myth: EX is a fad. It’s just a shift in language (same wine, new bottle). We’re really just talking about engagement.
The reality: EX is way bigger than engagement – although engagement is one outcome of a great EX. Employers can no longer purely focus on making people feel good about what they do to earn a living, and who they do it for (perhaps for self-serving interests). Employers need to help people perform, grow and be and feel at their best. This isn’t about a ring-fenced set of processes designed to shift the engagement scoreboard, it’s about purpose, mission and organisational strategy.
Myth 2: All it takes is perks and pay
The belief behind the myth: Who can resist a bigger cheque? Pay people more and throw in some nice perks and we’re sorted.
The reality: All it takes is MAGIC-CA*. Perks and pay are nice (essential even), but they don’t touch the sides when it comes to creating the best experience. Everyone is unique, but seven common factors are behind most great experiences at work. Together they touch every element of organisational life…Meaningful work, directly connected to a strong purpose that resonates. Being Appreciated. The opportunity to Grow and have an Impact. Human Connection. Challenge. And, of course, Autonomy.
*The MAGIC-CA model was developed by Emma Bridger at PeopleLab, based on 10 years of research into what makes a great experience at work.
Myth 3: HR’s got this
The belief behind the myth: People stuff, that’s covered by our HR team, maybe with some nice new ‘experience’ platforms thrown in to help things along. It’s not something me or my team need to worry about.
The reality: EX is the combined impact of almost every element of what an organisation does and how it operates. It’s a systems challenge that cannot sit with a single function. Culture is at the heart of it. If your culture doesn’t sing, neither will your EX. So make it kind – yes, really. And make it about belonging and valuing people.
Myth 4: It’s for attraction and retention
The belief behind the myth: EX is a sticky magnet. It will bring people to us and keep them here longer.
The reality: The benefits of EX go way beyond attraction and retention. It’s about competitive advantage. EX fuels learning, innovation, customer experience and financial performance. Increasing volumes of data demonstrate just how much EX is the rocket fuel of success. Fail to look after it and you won’t be going far or fast.
Myth 5: It’s about folk in flash offices
The belief behind the myth: The models and frameworks I’ve seen make it clear how tech and office environment are key to a great EX.
The reality: It’s about folk everywhere. Everyone has the right to a decent, or why not even a brilliant, experience of work. It shouldn’t matter whether or not they’re behind a desk. It’s hard to build customer or employee trust in a company that applies different standards depending on where people live and work, or the role they do. Don’t save up your best EX efforts for your desk-based teams.
Myth 6: EX can wait
The belief behind the myth: There’s a lot going on. We don’t have the time. We can get on to this when things are calmer. Nobody is investing in this stuff now. We can afford to wait.
The reality: Companies that have won before and during the pandemic prioritise investments in people – even when times are tough. NOW is the time to focus on EX. Very few of the practices that contribute to a great EX are quick or easy. Few can be meaningfully established with a minor shift. But the prize is big – so too the price of inaction. Get on it.
EX by Design – How to Create an Effective EX for Competitive Advantage
“A must-read book for anyone working in the field of employee experience”
Mark Levy, EX pioneer Airbnb
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